Books by Bill B. Luther

Bill Luther has written several books over a period of eight years, each of which has produced provocative, thought generating subject matter.   His books are listed below with a brief summary of its contents:

2001     Pilgrimage to Ascension
The following quote provides insight:
"This book combines the stories from each of the gospels and the first chapter of Acts as closely as possible to the sequence of actual events."

2003     When the Church comes Together
This book deals with the major crossroads in the history of the Chruch.  Tradition vs. New Generation thinking is extensively covered in this excellent volume.  A succinct quote follows:  "I identify where responsible leadership in the Church must make changes in the assemblies, especially the first day of the week assembly.  We must move back to the New Testament Church assembly examples before segments within the congregation force unscriptural changes."

2004     The Last and Greatest Old Testament Prophet
Within the pages of this book is found some provocative thinking regarding our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, that significantly affects how we understand more fully what Jesus' role was when He ministered to the Israelites and what would follow for all mankind in the New Covenant.

2005     I'm Confused
The confusion is in regard to marriage and divorce as pertains to Christians.  Herein we find questions and answers utilizing both the Old and New Testaments as a guide.  There is much to think about as presented in this book and provides the reader with a litany of pertinent questions.

2007     Can you give an Answer to Every Person who Asks?
Bill begins this book with this question:  "Is there any doubt that we all must be ready to give an answer?"  Far too often, Christians are faced with the dilemma of knowing what is biblically correct as concerns our faith.  Questions pertaining to Christian doctrine, the Trinity, the nature of Jesus as man and God, the work of the Holy Spirit, the reality of Sin, the means of Salvation, and multi other subjects are covered in the contents of this book.

2010     21st Century Masquerade - God will Sort it Out!
The masquerade that is spoken of relates to the false teachings the encroach upon our Christian beliefs.  Many false doctrines and practices have consistently and continually emerged throughout many generations and have produced an endless variety of varying church groups.

2011     No Exits Here
God's wrath is the subject matter and brings to the reader's attention the various concepts as regards Hell, Heaven, End Times, Prophecies, Salvation, False Teachings, and stresses throughout the importance of Bible knowledge if we would not be led astray.

Should you wish to order any or all ot the above listed books, please contact Bill via e-mail: