Author: Angie McGraw
ISBN 978-1-84903-114-1
Copyright © 2011
This book is predominately a collection of 52 Essays for weekly readings. The author's desire is "to bring to mind pertinent thoughts which may awaken the spirit, guide with new or latent biblical information, and help to spur the reader to a closer relationship with Christ." As with her previous book, About the Bible, this publication shares insight into God's holy word.
For the person who perhaps has little time to read, but would like thoughtful, stimulating, but brief narratives on a variety of meaningful subjects, this could very well be an avenue that does not intefere with daily routines, but does enhance biblical thinking as it pertains to our everyday lives. It is surely intended for the Christian believer, but also for those who would like to travel on the biblical path that presents God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the ultimate goal of salvation.
This recent publication is available through in either Paperback or Kindle versions.
Any questions can be directed to Angie via e-mail at or the Central Church of Christ at
May we encourage you to take advantage of this book and its edifying content.